Case Study:

11Meet: Enhancing Community Engagement with 1-on-1 Matchmaking

11Meet is a 1-on-1 matchmaking platform for community-driven organizations. It enhances engagement by pairing members for personalized video calls, automating connections, and using feedback to foster deeper relationships and drive growth in virtual spaces.

11meet cover

About project:

Market type


Industry type


Our role

UX Research
Saas Panel
All mockups screens and data in this case study have been altered due to NDA agreements.

What is 11Meet? 🤨

11Meet is a matchmaking platform for 1 on 1 videocalls in communities that:

  • Maximizes community member engagement with precision matching
  • Unlocks time-saving efficiency with automated connections
  • Harness Insights for strategic community growth
For who?
  • Corporations

  • Conferences

  • Expos

  • VCs

  • Private Equity

  • Business

  • Communities

In a nutshell... how it works?
  • Build or bulk upload Community data base

  • Create Event

  • Invite selected Members

  • Wait for Opt-ins (Members receive on their emails questions to answer, which is used as an input data for matching algorithm)

  • Matching algorithm match Members on 1 on 1 meetings, and send video call invitations

  • After Event session you can dive into rich analytics data and results from Members’ feedback

Workshop with Stakeholders.

First stage was the workshop session with stakeholders performed in FigJam, where we all together pointed most important elements of their vision, business requirements and buyer persona. Workshop info was direct input for designs of Admin Panel with all its features, UI look and feel proposition from scratch.

Besides that, we also came up with several branding and logos proposition, where the one you can see here was chosen by the stakeholders.

11meet workshop cards
Goals achieved during workshop sessions:
  • Business analysis and requirements with Design Thinking friendly approach.

  • Legal requirements.

  • Describe target persona and target market.

  • Overall look and feel of branding.

  • All features was shredded into stories and grouped into epics.

  • Every epic and story was estimated in MD with monthly FTE (Full Time Equivalent) engagement of assigned team member.

First stage of workshops was scoped for total 8h. We needed 16h more extra hours because of product complexity.

11meet login panel

In this Case Study we will present as example features…

  • Community management
  • Event creation

Community management.

First step before you will be able to create Event is to build (or bulk upload from .csv file) your Community database with contact info: email, phone number, LinkedIn profile, etc.

You can also create Groups and assign specified Members to it for easier filtering during Event invitation process and management.

11meet community management

Event creation.

If you built your community you can now create Event and invite them. If invited members will successfully opt-in, after the matching algorithm calculate results, they receive email with Google Meet invitation in their calendar, on 1 on 1 video call.

11meet event creation
Major challenges were...
  • Sufficiently engage invited members and increase conversion as much as possible, relying only on mailing invitations, because Members does not have an account

  • Adapt to matching algorithm that is very complicated

  • Cover all possible cases of question types, that could be: Yes or No, Multi selection, Single selection, with up to 6 possible answers and drag-and-drop rearangementrs receive on their emails questions to answer, which is used as an input data for matching algorithm)

  • Providing algorithm modifiers of the questions

Providing algorithm modifiers of the questions

11meet question creation

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mobile version of owners pictures


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